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Humanity Is Watching Us

As we watch this shift of consciousness take place, we see many beings of love and light stepping up to serve in their Divine roles. Some are still wondering what these roles are.

All who's intention, is to walk the divine path, must be ready to be, in service to the all. To be in service for the divine, one must surrender and except what the universe brings to us.

Sometimes we must do what we don't like to do, to see the value of that service. This does not mean that we have to keep doing what we don't like, it means that we, as Lightworkers, must be ready to serve, when the opportunity arises. Serving Humanity and this our mother earth is our Role at this time. This is where LOVE steps in.

Love is truly the only answer. If you truly love your neighbor, you can be in service to them, when they are in need. If you have animosity toward that neighbor, then you can not be in divine service for that person, and can cause that individual to spiral even lower.

I always get asked “How can you love someone, that hurts you, or is mean to you?” Well, it is very hard at times. But, once you see everyone of humanity as one, you understand that they are here to experience this life in their own way. If that means they want to be angry or hurtful then, that's what they get back in return. When they hurt you, they are hurting themselves. The lower vibrational way of being will not survive within this new paradigm. Judging others, is lowering your vibration to their level. Plus, sending out that vibration towards others, effects them. You then are causing harm to them, by reflecting your issues. and that, can slow their progress towards the light. If you cause harm you are no different then they are. We must allow them to awaken in their own time, and respect their choice, to be where they are. All we can do for them is to love them, and be the example of the divine light.

We with the intent to walk the divine path, must release any and all judgment. It will not serve us anymore.

We also must not try and push our intent on others. This is a form of control. Controlling another, in anyway, is also a lower vibration. If you alter their path, you are taking their freewill.

We truly must glow with Divine Light, by our actions. “Actions do, speak louder than words.” Be the Light in every moment. Humanity is watching us. We must show them the truth. Not by our words, but by our actions.

Stepping into our roles, means stepping into our new way of being. This is where the true lightworkers step forward in total service to all, and release all their Judgment and control of others. We stand, for Love, Peace, and Happiness for “all beings”. Unconditionally. We serve Peace. We serve Truth. We Serve Love. We serve the all.

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