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Free Yourself, Just let it All Go.

Love To the One,

Letting go, and allowing the universe to lead the way, takes courage and faith, in knowing your needs are provided for. The changes happening in our lives right now, is placing us exactly, where we need to be in this moment. Whether your being placed physically in a new location, or you are experiencing changes within personal relationships, or changes in jobs and things in your life, everything is changing for the highest outcome to occur. Holding on to anything, that doesn't serve your highest good, will be ripped from your grasp. This earth is now vibrating at a higher level, then ever before, and these energies are taking us right along with them. There is no holding on to anything, of the lower vibrations. This includes, our ego as well.

Letting Go, means to surrender, and allow the universe to drive. Being satisfied, with what this life brings and not always searching for a goal in life. We have been taught, that we should set goals for ourselves, planning everything out, exactly the way we want our life to be. This is a setup, for us to fail, by being discouraged, and depressed about things not going our way. The more we plan a supposed future, the more we realize, that it just don't work that way anymore. The only way we can change our future is by changing ourselves.

The Source of all, has a plan for you. The plan is simple, “Just be who you are in this moment,” which is... Divine Love. Worrying about a future that is nonexistent, or dwelling on a past that is gone, isn't being in your present moment of Now. Living in the Now, allows the universe, to take the controls in our life, leading us to our highest potential. Letting go of all that we no longer need, our ego, material belongings, negative relationships, Belief systems, Jobs or precious goals we have set for ourselves, leaves room for growth in our spiritual awareness. We learn through our growth, that none of these things truly matter. What truly matters is, just being Love, in every moment of the Now. Trusting you are a divine being, experiencing a human experience. The things that hold us back from enlightenment, are the things we feel are “important” in our lives. These things are only important, in the 3D way of thinking. As we continue to grow and ascend we see that none of these things, are worth holding onto. They are designed to block us from, our truth. They are the programing of the powers that were. Stepping out of the 3D lifestyle, takes courage that you are doing the right thing, and faith in knowing that the universe supplies all your needs. As long as you are still holding on to anything, that is lower vibrational, your going to be slowing your spiritual growth process. So why hold on to it, if it doesn't serve your highest good? Are you afraid of change? Are you worried about a supposed future, or are you dwelling on a past that's Gone? Do you still hold on to material stuff, or a Job cause it pays good? How about, a belief system that separates you from knowing your truth, or an Egotistical mind-set, where you focus on only self? It's important to clear these things from our life to enhance our spiritual development. The new way of being is in the Now. Without any attachments to things of the old paradigm. It's the moment to truly let Go of everything, that doesn't serve our highest good. It's the moment to surrender to what the universe brings, and Be love in every Moment of the now. We are ascending into God-Consciousness. Free yourself, from what binds you. Just, Let it all Go. We are divine expressions of the one God. What's more important?

We Love all that is Source, We are One.

Goddess Heart

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