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As this earth raises in vibration, so must we.

Love to the One,

These last few days, has proved to be quite amazing. More are accepting the higher frequencies, with ease. The bubbles of guilt, fear, greed and unworthiness, are transforming to Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude and Knowledge. For each soul must find the way through their dark night. The transformation taking place is metamorphosing our form to hold only light, the lower vibrational emotions, will no longer exist. By letting go of the lower vibrational abuse of the ego, we release our soul from the bondage of illusion. Staying in the lower vibrational emotions, is literally breaking people apart, physically and mentally. The mind and the body is not ready to accept the spirit. The vibration of this earth, automatically raises the vibration of your soul being. When our mind does not want to accept the changes, our physical body experiences stress pain and suffering. The triad of our existence, must be balanced. As this earth raises in vibration, so must we. There is truly nothing religious about this journey. Being Love and staying in the heart means that you are raising the vibrations in your body and mind to meet those of your soul and this earth. Our connection to all things around us, receives a new meaning, in our mind. We must learn to work with our universe instead of fighting and controlling it. Everything around us is vibration, if you do not vibrate at the level of your surroundings, your body, mind, and spirit feel it. The stress of the outer world vibrates our triad form. If you continue to stay in lower vibration emotions, your body will fill the stress.

We are rising to a new level of understanding about who we are, and why we are here. This knowledge of our truth, brings with it, our freedom from duality. We are rising up above, and becoming peaceful and caring galactic beings.

Changing our perspective of our existence, helps in the releasing of the old mind-set. Once we can truly see our neighbor as another personality of Source, you begin to see God in everything. Knowing your truth, naturally transforms your thoughts. When we accept our truth we can transform, much faster. This allows the vibrations of our outer world to reset our inner vibrations, with much more ease. Releasing all that is of the lower emotions, we can transform our being to receive the light of the divine, purely and freely, without emotional obstacles in the way.

For the ones who are experiencing these lower emotions and feel you “can't” control it, because of a tragedy, or some other reason, you truly, “Can”. We are the only ones who can control, our own mind. When we allow the lower emotions to control our mind, they replay themselves within our life. Instead of focusing on guilt, fear, greed and unworthiness, we begin to focus on Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude and Knowledge. We change our perspective of our experiences. Allowing the vibrations of this Creation to form us into the Universes that we are. We are One with All, We are Love in form.

Goddess Heart

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