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Ready or Not, Here Comes Love

Love to the One,

The changes in our lives, reflect the changes in our heart. Our personal truth, is manifesting throughout our daily lives. As we center ourselves to being only love, our lives begin to change to support that intention.

Our true intentions, will no longer be hidden from others. Our truth of who we are, is seen, by all who are involved. If you are still holding on to negative vibrations, such as, greed, control, manipulation, or any other lower intention, you will be seen for your truth. The Love vibrations coming in from our cosmos, is shining light on all the obstacles within our being. This light is showing you what still needs cleared or released. As the vibrations of the lower intentions bubble up, they are rising to be released. All illusions are crumbling, and so is the ones you are holding on too. So holding on to anything that does not serve your highest purpose, will crumble in your grasp. Many are experiencing this in different ways. From the places we live to the relationships we surround ourselves with, changes are occurring everywhere. Letting go, of these things that no longer serve us, is important for our growth as spiritual beings.

As we make our way into these higher states of consciousness, we begin seeing the truth, in a brighter light. No one is able to pull the wool over our eyes anymore. We are able to see all others truth. We are no longer going to be controlled or manipulated, by any other being. Our truth, stands tall, and pure of heart. We are powerful with the knowing of our Truth.

This Earth is transforming into the star she was meant to be. So raising your vibration is the most important thing you can achieve, in this moment. Allowing these cosmic rays to transform your being into the God's that we are.

By letting go, we allow our being to accept the light with much more ease. The transformation of this planet, is happening whether you are ready or not. This is not fear based in any way, It is truth. It is only fear if you are not ready, and stuck in that mind-set. But stepping out of the fear and actually doing something about it, is the key here. You can not transform with this planet unless you make the choice to change your attitude. Give yourself a “Love” adjustment. It's okay to make the choice not to transform, It is freewill. But this Earth is doing it whether you like it or not. This is the divine plan of this earth. We must learn to work with our universe instead of trying to control it. Ready or Not, Here comes Love. We are all magnificent beings of Divine Love. We are One within all, that is Source.

We Love all,

Goddess Heart

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