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Nothing, Can Stop Us Now!

Love to the One,

Wow, these intense waves of powerful love vibrations, are bringing with it, Our Freedom. Freedom from the clutches of the controllers that were. We are rising above the violence, suffering, and enslavement, and taking back the reins of our evolution. The natural evolution of this universe, can not be controlled. We will evolve. No matter how much the cabal, wants to stop our development as a species, They no longer have the control. Through our natural development, which is the increased vibrations of our being, we can achieve Humanities evolution/ascension, into a higher state of understanding. This natural occurrence, happens all the time throughout our universe, but Humanity is a little different. We were manipulated and altered to be a slave species, for greedy extraterrestrials. Our evolution was to be stopped, so we could continue being slaves to those who wish to control. But we as Humanity, have freewill, We have the choice to step out of enslavement, and become our own collective species, One that is connected to the Source, from which we come.

Through our consciousness, we make the choices, for our experience to be played out. The cabal, knew as humanity, became aware of self, they must make us “want”, to be their slaves. So they made us just as greedy and Controlling as they were. Making us work for our food and shelter, making us fight for our rights, and making us crave what we could not have. This attack on the consciousness of Humanity, was intended, to keep us from developing, as a species. They knew, if we became aware of our truth, we would no longer be able to be controlled. As we raise our frequencies, we are evolving, to a new consciousness. We no longer want to be controlled, We want our freedom to Be.

New technologies have surfaced, that is the gateway to Peace, abundance, and Happiness, on this planet. These technologies, is wiping out the old paradigm, and those who controlled it. These new technologies, is going to change everything, From the way we think, to where our food comes from. We truly will never have to work for a dollar again. We can just create whatever we need, with thought. Some may still think that this is all science fiction, Well the links are below for those doubters, who still choose to be slaves. But for those of us, who chose Love, Freedom and abundance for all, this is it. This is the freedom that we have been anticipating.

It's the moment for humanity to step up and accept, our connection to this Universe and all beings within. We are One. This new energy generator that is being released, Proves this to be true. We are all made from the same energies as everything else. Everything is God. The importance of accepting this fact, is us recognizing that we are God. We are creation in form. This knowledge of our existence, is the key to our freedom. This knowing of our truth has set us free. Nothing that the controllers, continue to do to try and stop this process, will work. Their efforts will fail.

Now that we are settling into our new frequencies, the lower vibrational way of being is not supported. Their spells and rituals mean nothing, and can cause no harm. We as a collective humanity, have risen above, to a much more powerful level of development. We see our selves as One Humanity, one earth and One universe, we know our connection. We claim our divine right of free will. We claim our freedom, equality, and abundance for All. Nothing can stop us Now. We are One.

We love all that is Source

Goddess Heart

The Links below are from the Keshe Foundation...

Live stream... Keshe publicizes his blue prints for the Plasma generator (LIVE) Your can catch this Live starting today.

If you miss it live...You can still view his recorded presentation on this page as well.

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