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Give Yourself a "LOVE" Adjustment

Love to the One, Dedicated to being Love in every moment, Takes conscious effort, to transform your thoughts, words and actions. When approached with an experience that demands our attention, we are tested as far as our response or reaction, to that event. By changing our attitude, to being Love, we change the way we see the situation. By responding rather than reacting to the situation, we clear that event, never to be experienced again. When we react in a negative manner to an event, we find ourselves repeating that situation over and over in our lives. Learning to stay in the heart in any situation, takes strength and patience, courage and integrity. Walking in truth in all moments, no matter what events, maybe happening around you. By looking at our experiences, through only, the eyes of Love, we change our perspective of the situation. We see a supposed attack, as a call for help. We see Hatred or selfishness as, fear and being unaware. We see others Ego as a programing that individual, just has yet to clear. They are still in the illusion, and are blinded from truth. We are looking through the eyes of Love, and can have compassion for Our other selves, knowing are connection with All Things. We can truly show love and forgiveness, for all of Humanity. When we react negatively in any situation, we just feed the fire, and cause ourselves to get pulled into the spiral of chaos. This causes the waves of our intentions, to boomerang back to us, and causes negative emotions, to surface. Continually keeping us in the lower vibrations. When we choose to respond through Love, the transformation of the negative energies, can take form. Our intentions of Love, then releases that test of spirit, as Mastered. As we master Love, we begin to experience life in a different way. Everything becomes truly divine. The higher feelings of gratitude, compassion, joy, peace, and Love, fill our entire existence. Every experience, becomes a beautiful encounter with the Divine. We are creating harmony amongst Humanity, through being Love in every moment. As the collective continues to rise in consciousness, we see more and more shining their Love, towards their brothers and sisters, of humanity. Unity is knowing you are One, with your neighbor. We must Transform our way of being to express the divine Light we are, and pro-ject it to all others. Choose to let your Love shine, in every situation. We are Divine Light, We are Pure Love, in form, allow your truth to shine. Truly be a Master and Give yourself a “Love” Adjustment. We Love all that is Source, We are One. Goddess Heart Join us on FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: TWITTER:

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