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Catch The Wave of Love

Love to the One,

This massive tsunami, of Love energies, bubbles up, any lower vibrations, that we are still holding on too. Any judgments, doubt, self righteousness, jealousies, guilt, greed, or fears, makes its way to the surface, for us to review, and then release. The review of our inner selves, is mirroring throughout our daily lives, reflecting in the relationships we experience with others. We have become transparent, all our thoughts and feelings that used to be only ours personally, is now everyone’s, to experience. We physically feel and sense, each others vibrations, on a more powerful level. Our collective connections, are becoming much stronger. As we light up our core with these energy uploads, we are tuning in to the God Consciousness. The higher consciousness, is collective awareness. It's the understanding that all things are conscious and aware, all things are god consciousness, in many forms. This is the awareness of the self, being connected to all things, becoming the One with all things. This awareness, steps up the knowledge of our abilities to communicate, through empathy and telepathy. We not only can feel these vibrations of others, but we can experience them. We can pick up on others, emotions, and think they are our own. Understand that if these type of emotions, is not a normal for you, then you are probably, experiencing, another persons, vibrations. If these vibrations, are of lower frequency, then what your physical body is emitting, this can cause head aches and stress pain. As we consciously raise our vibration, we are physically changing, our vibratory rate of our inner core. When we come in contact with someone who is of the lower vibrations, we must consciously Project love to these beings. As we project positive frequencies, We activate a shield of sorts around our physical form. This is called our Merkaba field. This shield or field around our form, protects us from harm, of a lower vibrational frequencies. It's also good to understand that we spiritually connect with all other beings around us. This is like an umbilical cord of energies, that attach themselves to our core. These cords can stay attached until we consciously disconnect them. Disconnecting these energy cords, does not mean that you have to now stay away from that person. What it does mean is that you are disconnecting from their energies and centering within your own. Many times we come across what is referred to as energy vampires. These beings literally feed off others energies. Most energy vampires, do not even know that’s what they are doing. They attach them selves to people, who allow them to manipulate their lives. Feeding off the negative dramas, they create, in your life. Disconnecting yourself, literally cuts the cords, where they no longer can feed on your energies. It's a matter of a conscious effort to disconnect yourself from that said lower vibration.

When we center ourselves, into our own energies we can make the clearing process mush easier, We can see our own reflection, amplifying anything that is our own energies, that must be released. Letting go of any and all judgments, doubt, self righteousness, jealousies, guilt, greed, and fears. Allowing ourselves to Catch the wave of Love, with ease.

Once we know that we are all made of the same consciousness, our collective effort, as humanity, will add all these experiences to the grand data base of the whole. Uploading these experiences that we have all had, where all can view and experience all that has been experienced, for themselves. This collective connection, amongst all things, is the consciousness of the God/Source. We are connected to the whole of God. We are God's Love in Form, We are One with all. We are Love.

Goddess Heart

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