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Light does NOT have a shadow!

The Divine Light is forcing its way into all the cracks and crevices of our lives. Bringing everything out of the shadows, and showing all truth for what it is. Light does NOT have a shadow and does exist without darkness, only objects reflect the darkness. So as the light breaks through the darkness, It brightens the path so all obstacles that obstruct your path can be seen clearly for what they are. As all negative vibrations leave, Only light can replace the darkness that once dwelt there. Holding on to any lower vibrational energy, whether that be an emotion or physical habit, will result in discomfort and unneeded stress for that individual. If the vibration no longer serves you in your current way of being, then release it. The light offers a Peaceful and loving way of being. There is no need to wallow in the deeps of the darkness anymore. Open your heart to receive the pure love of the source, through the Brilliant Pure Light that this earth is now receiving. Replace Survival and Lack with comfort in knowing that you are taken care of by the universe. Replace Suppression and Greed, with Pride and Caring for all living beings. Replace your Fears and victimization, with the Power of love, and Step forward in the knowledge of that power.

Dear ones, as the light penetrates your every cell, you are being transformed. Our evolution/ascension is happening now. Allow the light to enter into your total being, Through the Body, into the mind and then engulf your spirit. When allowing the Ego to Obstruct the light you allow darkness to stay. Remove that Ego, and the shadow is gone, and only Light remains.

For example: You have a neighbor that’s house is trashed and they never clean up their yard. You have a problem with it, because it makes your house look bad. The Ego block here is that you feel they should keep their yard up like you keep yours up. How have you approached the situation? Have you Talked to that Neighbor? Maybe they Can't Physically do the work, or maybe they have had issues in life where they are depressed. So if it's a problem for your EGO, and you don't wish to look at it. DO IT YOURSELF! This is where being in service for Love helps. The loving thing to do would be to clean their yard up for them. Once you have removed the Ego and became of service for that individual, you have then allowed Love to Take the reins. The Ego is then removed in that situation. Do you see how this way of being works? Another example of an Egoistic obstruction would be: Religious blocks, Our beliefs tend to stop us from receiving full unhindered Light. Dropping any and All Belief systems is a matter of understanding that everything we have ever been taught is an absolute LIE! All religions were purposely manipulated to force separation and give the illusion of spiritual Growth. True Spiritual Growth happens when you accept the God within yourself, and stop looking outward for guidance. Our higher self is our personal “GOD”. Finding the God within our own personal being is what the masters from our history, tried to teach us. We are one consciousness with the All that is. As we accept the oneness that is this universe, we allow our being to grow in this the ascension/evolution. As we allow the Light to enter our very being we allow spiritual transformation and growth of our Body, Mind and Spirit. Stepping away from the old ways of Greed, control, fear, and lack also allow the Light to Take their place. Soon, all that's left, is Love=Light.

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