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Stop separating Yourselves. We are all one Humanity

“The moment has come to Unite”. I know that you have heard it. But are you doing it? Are you truly uniting? Separation is the deepest of all programmings. And is the hardest to truly reprogram. It's embedded so deep in some of us. That we really don't see it. With so many different belief systems out there, and this includes the New Age'rs, separation is there. To truly enter into this new way of being, we Must stop believing in anything, And understand that All things are one. Every plant and animal are your brothers and sisters. Every person is yourself in another form, and every atom is a part of this great Plan. To separate ourselves in anyway, is still allowing the old programing to control our being. Even in the 5D groups, there is such separation, that people are now so confused about what is truth. The fact is, we all are in this together. Whether you are a Christian, Native American, or Hindu, or Muslim, or New Age'rs, or anything in between, we all are a part of this great plan. Yes, even the Dark ones are a part of this plan, They are called dark because they are ignorant to their own connection to the “All”. They tried to control the divine plan, and make up their own rules. This was unacceptable for the “All”. This caused imbalance within the divine plan. Our Mother is dieing. We are dieing. They have no respect for “Life”, only looked at as a food source and enslavement. This is the reason for the “Divine Intervention”. And that is why we must expel the ones who wish to cause harm. They choose to not except their true connection to it all. They only wish to Control and dominate and harm. They don't want to let all this, “power over”, go. They don't want us to evolve and They don't want us to know our power. This scar

es them, So this is why they attack those who are becoming the light. We have been attacked through our water, our air, our food, and our consciousness. Everything they could do to us, they have done. Why, you might ask? Because, we let them. Us, as humanity, must make the choice, to choose, Knowledge or Ignorance, (“Light or Dark”), in order to step out of the matrix. We must see through the veils of the illusion. This is not something you can balance between. You either choose to gain knowledge or you choose to stay ignorant. This is the only separation there is. Ignorance only wants to stay separate, they either don't understand their true connection, or wish, not to gain their true knowledge, because of fear. The choices they have made, makes them feel separated, from the rest of us. It's not us separating them, it's a choice they have made. The Dark has played their role in the plan of it all, but have become caught up in there own game of the illusion, and now they don't want to let Go. So for many of us who wish to be the warriors of light, that want to protect this planet, and all her inhabitants, we have work to do. There is a lot of cleanup that is needed, for this our home, to be healed. Our Mother needs us now. It's time to understand your connection to the whole, and drop all beliefs that you are separate from this group or that group. We are One with all. It's time to stop labeling yourselves, through your religions and ethnic groups. It's time to stop Hating (Fearing) each other, and start Embracing each others cultures and lifestyles. Start seeing the beauty in all the beings of creation. We are all beautiful master pieces of the Creator's Love. It's the moment, to become the oneness that everyone talks about. As far as the ones who feel they have already awaken to the knowledge of the oneness... We must unite now... we must spread the word of Oneness and truly love your neighbor as yourself. Actually being, doing, and feeling Love, for one another. Joining hands in this the final steps of this journey, walking through the doorway together. No matter what Belief, Race, Culture, or even planet you are from, We are all humans. And it's humanities turn to shine. We are all part of this grand Plan to bring the love and light, back to this planet. It's the moment we all have been waiting for. The time for Unconditional Unity. True Oneness, true love and compassion for all of our brothers and sisters around this our dear Mother. True gratitude for what she has provided for us, Our food, our breath, our Lives. We must learn to have respect for all Life, and protect it with our whole being. Truly embracing our connection. It's the Moment for true Peace on Earth. We do Love you all, with all our heart, and we are connecting with you, our beautiful family. Unconditionally.

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