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We Did it! We really, did it!

Greetings to the One,

WOW! Intense Isn't it?? It feels like We headed right into a tidal wave. Everyone is feeling it, whether you are conscious of what is happening or not. No Matter what your vibration... You just went up a notch. All, that is the Universe, is rising in Love and Light. As new souls awaken, they bring their light as well into the collective. Their experiences in this school of knowledge, is then also added to the whole of us all. Their piece of inner knowing is then added to the grand Puzzle.

With these massive wave energies, comes many ancient codes of remembrance, So as too receive the embodiment, of the divine self. Our divine self is, the Divine God / Goddess, Our Father / Mother. The Divine, is already there, within each and every living thing. It dwells in the mist of your soul.

Truly becoming the embodiment of the divine, one must balance in the positives, of the masculine and feminine. Learning tenderness, wisdom, patience, nurturing, flexibility, fertility, and Love, through the Divine Feminine. Through the Divine Masculine, fearlessness, creativeness, courageousness and loyalty.

As we embody the divine, we are heightened in our senses.

Our minds eye, is being wiped clear, to see glimpses of true reality. Sparkles of Light flickering, then pictures of truth coming through. The signs are everywhere, In Nature, in music, In numbers, and most of all, in our hearts.

Our hearts are light, and seems to want to release itself from our chest. A heart so full of Joy and Gratitude for being a part of this grand plan. Full of compassion for all things, and Truly understanding the oneness of all. We begin to feel the Mother and Father, joined within are very being. Remembering the eternal dance of Love.

We are God, within human form. Embodying the power of the all.

These gifts of Power are not to be taken lightly, the powers are only given to the divine heart. No lower vibrational beings, can receive these gifts of the higher realms. We, the one in service to Love, have surrendered our very being to Source. Accepting the truth, of who we are, and Becoming the truth of who we are. Graduating into Gods and Goddesses, which is our birth right. Owning that birth right and stepping up to be, the Masters we are. We Did it! We really, did it! Rejoice in the knowing, that you are the embodiment of who you looked for your whole lives. Remember My Brothers and Sisters, it's time to remember why you came here. We love you with all our heart.

Goddess Heart.

Here a Great song for you all Enjoy!! This video does have language profanity.

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