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Stand in your Power, for the moment is here. Be strong, Be Courageous, and Be Love.

Greetings to the One,

It's a glorious dawn arising, Conformation of the changes are everywhere across the planet. Stay in Peace within your being, during these exciting and unknown changes. Go outside into the arms of our mother and embrace the animals, flowers and trees. Be at peace and oneness with the all, Our true reality.

Understanding these new energies are part of our awakening, As we receive these higher frequencies, we can either embrace it or reject it.

Embracing these vibrations allows the divine to clear out what is not needed within our beings. Many old feelings and emotions, begin to bubble up for our review. Fear, control, greed or guilt can cause us to instantly be thrown from the one path to another. Experiences involving these emotions, are in sorts the final exams we must endeavor. How you review these experiences are important. We have two choices, Reacting or responding. When we react we are allowing the vibrations of these emotions to take over us. Putting yourself into a fight or flight mode. If You continue to reject Love, then you will continue to experience these tests, repeating themselves until you get it right. When we learn to respond in a loving manner in all instances. We then release the lower emotion and allow the higher vibration to take form. Transforming the situation into a positive experience. Release your control of the situation, and know that it is inline with your divine teachings. Understand that all of Humanity, is going through these special times as well. Respect the path of others and know they are exactly where they wish to be in their evolution. They do however Have the birth right of freewill. Learn to love them, for they truly don't know what they do, and they will soon begin to see the light for themselves. All humanity is rising in frequency. Learn to truly Love the adventure that we have created for ourselves.

As we expand with the light, this universe is expanding as well. Some of the dimensions are becoming more transparent, for our eyes to see. Any lies that we are told stick out like a sore thumb. And the walls of illusion are crumbling away. Now nothing can stand in our way. Not even The obstacles, the dark plans to throw at us. We are Powerful Beings, but united in the oneness of all, we are "All Powerful". Stand in your Power, for the moment is here. Be strong, Be Courageous, and Be Love.

We Love you with all our heart.

Goddess Heart

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