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Mastering This Adventure

Greetings To the One,

All who choose, are now experiencing, the all important lessons, of this Ascension process. Mastering this adventure, means to be able to confront our emotions and learn to clear whats not needed within our being.

These energies pulsating the earth at this time, are Vibrating our whole being. Our Chakras are trying to align, with these new frequencies. If we try and resist this change, we can eventually make ourselves ill.

Chakras are Entry Gates of the Aura.

Within the physical body resides a body double, a spiritual body, that contains the Chakras.

The word Chakra in Sanscrit translates to wheel or disc.

They are centres of activity that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy. They are responsible for the person's physical, mental, and spiritual functions.

They absorb and transmit energies to and from the universe, nature, celestial entities, from people even from things.

According to the traditional writings there are 88,000 chakras in the human body covering basically every area in the body. The majority of them are small and insignificant. 40 of them have significant function and they are in the hands, feet, fingertips, and shoulders.

The most significant ones are the Seven Main Chakras located along the central line of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are located in the ethereal body and they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane.

As this Transformation happens, each Chakra, bubbles forth all the Unbalanced Parts of our system. This brings to our attention what areas, we may need to harmonized. Bringing into our total being, the harmonious Balance of the masculine and feminine, Also known as the Divine Union, Yin Yang, or Kundalini Awakening. When we receive Harmony in all the chakras, we Truly embody the Divine. Here is a simple guide, to help you get through your journey, with a little more ease.

Of Course with helping clear all the chakras, Meditation is key.

We can influence our chakras, our health, and our lives by using different techniques such as:

Healing, such as Reiki

Color therapy


EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique),

Musical Composition Incorporating Potent Brainwave and Chakra Harmonics

Conscious breathing,

Physical exercises,

Guided Visualization,

Positive thinking,


Balancing: Using your Hands,a Pendulum,Crystals and Gemstones


ROOT Chakra-

Unbalanced Root Chakra:

If your Root Chakra is unbalanced or malfunctioning, your thoughts and actions primarily revolve around material possessions and security, as well as your over indulgence in sensual pleasures such as, foods, alcohol, sex, etc. If you are challenged by people or situations, you become easily irritated, upset, aggressive, and you may have a tendency to violently enforce your will upon others. These feelings of rage, anger and violence, are actually a fear of losing that which provides you with security, and a feeling of well-being. A lot of things in life worry you. Often, you see life on earth as a burden. For you, life on earth is NOT a pleasure. Most of the time, you long for an easier, more pleasant and less strenuous way of life.


To balance this chakra, one needs to make a total connection to Mother Earth.

Balanced Root Chakra:

When the root Chakra is functioning harmoniously, you are experiencing a deep, personal relationship with Earth and all earthly life forms. You are rooted in life and your life is filled with satisfaction, stability and inner strength. Your actions are guided by the desire to be creatively active in shaping life on planet Earth. You perceive the earth as a shelter and secure place. And She provides you with all your physical, psychological and emotional needs. You are truly grateful for your life on earth.

Postives: stability, deep-rootedness, perception, grounding, and safety

Negatives: Survival, self-preservation, acceptance, and fear

Balanced: Good health, vitality, well grounded, sense of trust in the world, feeling safe and secure, stability, prosperity, ability to relax

Physical Dysfunctions: Frequent illness, disorders of the bowel, large intestine, bones, teeth, problems with legs, feet , base of spine(chronic lower back pain, sciatica); eating disorders; depression; immune-related disorders; skin problems; lack of energy.

SACRAL Chakra-

Unbalanced Sacral Chakra:

This Chakra Is probably the most damaged, because of the programing within this world system. Men and Women both have been purposely suppressed of positive teaching about their sexuality, Resulting in sexual abuse, and victimization. This Sexual Manipulation has caused Humanity to stay within the dysfunction of a controlled environment. Programed for the reason, to keep us within the lower vibrations.

As a result, you are unable to experience the uninhibited expression of your creative sexual potential. These lower energies, may express themselves in the form of excessive sexual fantasies, or suppressed desires. What we need to understand is that our creative sexuality has just been misdirected.

This suppression results in a lack of self-esteem, emotional paralysis and sexual coldness. Life in this light seems dreary and you may feel life is not worth living. These feelings often amplify teenagers' tendencies to commit suicide.


Clearing this Chakra takes courageous and faith you are not alone. Understand you have control of your own mind. if you allow yourself to be a victim mindset, you will continue to stay a victim.

Balanced Sacral Chakra:

An open and harmoniously functioning Sacral Chakra allows you to open yourself towards others, especially the opposite sex. You have no fears or victimized feeling toward the other sex. Your sexual union with your lover, blossoms into the dance of creation. You feel the flow of the male and female energies streaming through your body, soul and mind.

Postives: Sexuality, creativity

Negatives: Lower emotions, financial

Balanced: Graceful movements; emotional intelligence; ability to experience pleasure; nurture of self and others; ability to change; healthy boundaries

Physical Dysfunctions: Sexual dysfunctions; ob/gyn. problems; Dysfunctions of reproductive organs, spleen, urinary system; loss of appetite for food, sex, life; chronic lower back pain, sciatica.


Unbalanced SOLAR PLEXUS chakra:

When your Solar Plexus Chakra is malfunctioning, you want to manipulate everything in accordance with your own wishes and desires; you want to control your inner and outer worlds and conquer and exercise power. You develop an enormous urge to keep active and busy. This urge is your way of covering up your persistent feelings of inadequacy and shortcomings. You need to understand that material wealth and recognition cannot provide you with true, long-term happiness. You get upset easily. Your irritation and agitation are an expression of all the anger you have swallowed over a long period of time. You feel discouraged, You see obstacles everywhere. You believe these obstacles are preventing you from fulfilling your desires.


To open this Chakra you must let go of all control. Let Go of any fears you may have, of allowing the Universe to take the reins. Understand that "You" have placed the obsticles in your own path, and it's up to you to clear them out. Remember the choices you make, Create your Reality.

Balanced SOLAR PLEXUS chakra:

You feel peace and an inner harmony with your Self, life in general, and your place in the world. You have accepted yourself completely, and you respect the feelings and character traits of others. You also accept your feelings, wishes and experiences in life. You see them in the "right light." Your feelings, wishes and experiences are integrated in such a way that lead to wholeness of being.

Positives: Power, self-esteem, self-image, energy, will, responsibility

Negatives: Controling, Low self-esteem, Low self image, No energy, No Will, Does not handle responsibility.

Balanced: Feeling of tranquillity and inner harmony, self-acceptance, respect for the nature and emotions of others, feeling of unity with the rest of humanity, responsible, reliable, confidence, spontaneity, sens of humour, able to meet challenges

Physical Dysfunctions: Arthritis, digestive disorders, ulcers, colon and intestinal problems, anorexia or bulimia, pancreatitis, diabetes, gallstone, allergies, problems with the stomach and liver.

HEART chakra

Unbalanced HEART chakra:

You have, no problem, with helping others, but you are always wanting something in return. Nothing is free in your mind and neither is Love. If your efforts of helping are not sufficiently appreciated, you may feel deeply disappointed, or angry. Emotions aligned with tenderness and softness probably embarrass you and make you see others who are balanced in the Heart, as being weak or “Fluffy”. You are deeply hurt by rejection, so you are unable to open yourself to receiving the love of others. You may compensate for your lack of love by adopting an extremely friendly personality, treating people equally in an impersonal manner without genuine involvement. If your Heart Chakra is completely closed, you will express coldness, indifference or even "heartlessness."


Learning to live from the Heart, Means to totally, be in service to Love. If you Serve Love, you are service to the all. Your service to humanity becomes, your way of being. You do it because you love all things, not because you are going to get a Prize.

Balanced HEART chakra:

A completely open Heart Chakra can change the world around you and unite, reconcile, or even heal the other beings, within your surroundings. Your entire being radiates natural warmth, sincerity and happiness. These wondrous energies open the hearts of the people around you, inspiring confidence and creating joy among them. A great compassion and willingness to help others comes perfectly natural to you.

You love for love's sake. You are motivated by the joy of giving and do not expect to gain anything in return. Your heart is in everything you do. You "unconditionally" love all!

Through this wisdom, you view the world and personal experiences in a new light. You no longer look at life from a distance and think that it has nothing to do with you. You see all life as part of your own life and that "life" in its purest and most original form really signifies an everlasting expression of Divine Love and bliss.

All is love!

Positives: Love, unconditional love, self-love, forgiveness, relationships, intimacy, devotion.

Negatives: depression and loneliness

Balanced: Compassionate, loving, self-loving, empathetic, peaceful, balanced, good immune system

Physical Dysfunctions: Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breast, arms, asthma, allergy, circulation problems, immune system deficiency, tension between shoulder blades

THROAT chakra -

Unbalanced THROAT chakra:

You find it difficult to reflect upon your feelings. You express your unresolved emotions in thoughtless actions, you keep it all bottled up and do not express your true feelings or You are not being honest, with your true feeling. You have a constant fear of Judgment, from yourself and others. You try to appear strong; you do not permit yourself to show any weakness. Or on the side of the scale, You are shy, quiet, withdrawn. You find it hard to speak and get a lump in your throat, if you try to express your deeper thoughts and feelings. Your voice sounds forced.


Your insecurities dominate your life. This is a personal prison, and must be cleared. To clear this chakra you must release all falsehoods in your life. bringing only truth forward. This means to be totally ho9nest with yourself and othersl.

Balanced THROAT chakra:

When the Throat Chakra is completely open, your feelings, thoughts and inner knowledge are expressed freely and without fear. You express your inner honesty towards yourself and others. You express Love Freely and Openly.

You possess the ability to fully express yourself with your entire personality, and at the same time, you remain silent and listen to others with all your heart and understanding. Your speech is imaginative and colorful and perfectly clear, and your voice is full and melodious. When faced with difficulties and resistance you are able to say "no" -- if that is what you truly mean.

You are not swayed or manipulated by people's opinions. You maintain your independence, freedom and self-determination. You have no Judgment toward others. You are able to pass the knowledge you have gained through your life experiences, onto others without fearing their reactions and opinions.

Positives: Communication, self-expression, self-discipline, speaking one's truth.

Negatives: Poor Communication, No self expression, No self discipline, Not Honest with ones self or others.

Balanced: Good listener, resonant voice, good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, lives creatively

Physical Dysfunctions: Raspy throat, chronic soar throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid problems, headaches, pain in the neck and shoulders, ear infections and problems.

3rd Eye Chakra-

Unbalanced 3rd Eye chakra:

You live completely in the realm of your mental sphere. Your life is determined almost exclusively by reason and intellect. All aspects of your life are organized in an intellectual manner; therefore, you can only perceive with your rational mind. Although your intellectual skills may be very sharp and well developed, and you may have a keen analytical ability, you lack a holistic way of seeing things.

You can easily fall prey to intellectual arrogance. You accept only those things that your mind can comprehend and that can be demonstrated and proven by scientific analysis. You perceive spiritual insight as unscientific and unrealistic and reject them outright.

You may attempt to influence others or events by intellectual force to demonstrate your power, satisfy your personal needs, and/or feed your ego.

Your life is dominated by materialistic desires and physical needs without emotional consideration. You find spiritual reflection and discussion a strain and waste of time. You view spiritual truths as senseless dreaming without any practical use. Your thoughts are strictly aligned with the conventional lines of societal thought.

You easily lose your temper in demanding situations. You are also probably very forgetful. In extreme cases, your thinking will be muddled and confused and completely determined by unresolved emotional patterns. You are blind, deaf and dumb to the spiritual realms of sight, sound and speech. The only reality you see, hear, speak and accept is the physical, external, visible world.

In the grand scale of Life, your world is very small.


To open this chakra, a start would be to erase all you have ever learned in your life. Start with a clear slate. Understand that everything you have ever been taught, Is an absolute Lie. Begin anew and truly go into your heart, to see what truth is. Set you intensions on retrieving the knowlege of the universe.

Balanced 3rd Eye chakra:

Very few people today have a completely open Third Eye without an advanced state of consciousness. The Third Eye Chakra needs to be DEVELOPED! However, there are telltale signs of a harmonious functioning Third Eye, such as, an active mind and advanced intellectual skills.

You possess a well-developed ability of visualization and comprehension of things intuitively. You are receptive to mystic truths. You realize more and more that the world is but an allegory, a spiritual principle that has manifested itself on the physical level. From time to time, you notice that your thoughts or ideas have come true.

If you develop your Third Eye completely, you will perceive the world in a new light. Your thinking will be holographic. You will perceive and spontaneously integrate the information from different spheres of creation into your growing capability of all-consciousness/awareness.

The material world will become transparent to you. Your conscious is a mirror for the Divine, and the material world a mirror for the energy that exist on all levels of being.

Your extrasensory perception is so clear you directly perceive the energies at work beneath the surface of the physical world, and you realize that you can consciously control these energies AND create your own forms of manifestation!

Your intuition and inner sight will open the doors to all the subtle planes/dimensions of reality, which consist of an endless number of worlds between the physical (materialistic) planes of creation and pure Being. And you will realize that these other worlds/dimensions are inhabited by a wide variety of life forms.

Positives: Intuition, imagination, ability to see one's life clearly, use of the mind/intellect.

Negatives: No Imagination, Thinks only with the mind not the heart, Mind is limited to a logical way of thinking.

Balanced: Intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, good memory, able to visualize, able to think symbolically, able to remember dreams

Physical Dysfunctions: Headaches, eye and ear disease, nose and sinus problems, facial nerve problems, nightmares, brain tumour, stroke, neurological disturbances, seizures, full spinal difficulty, learning disabilities

CROWN chakra-

There are no blockages in the Crown Chakra. When the Crown Chakra begins to open, your consciousness will become completely calm and open. You will experience your real Self and realize that your Self is part of the ONE. As you develop your Crown Chakra, these moments will occur more frequently.

When you are ready for this final step of enlightenment, you will know. One day you will feel as if you have just awakened from a long dream of illusion, and for the first time you see the real reality of life. There is no turning back in your development now. You realize that what you have found is your true Self. If you want to know something, all you need to do is ask by directing your attention accordingly. Everything exists within you. You are ONE, You are a Divine Being, and it is through this ONENESS that the ALL exists.

You now realize that matter is nothing but a form of thought in the Divine Consciousness and that it does not really "exist" as such. All that you thought was real up to this point, you now perceive as an illusion.

Balanced: Sense of spiritual connection, open-minded, wisdom and mastery, broad understanding, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, ability to perceive, analyse and assimilate information

We Love you with all our Heart,

Goddess Heart


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