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We are multidimensional expressions of the “One” God, we are All, that is.

Love to the One,

On this path of ascension, we step into our knowing of the true interconnectedness to Everything, Actually feeling each cell of our being, connected to this universe. Understanding that there is no such thing as, “I”, except when referring to the whole of the all. “I Am”. Our Unique forms and personalities, are God playing parts, in different roles, to experience everything, there is to experience. We are God in many different forms, But we are all God, a part of the whole, the “I Am”.

Through the process of remembering our true selves, we experience, “memories” or “visions”, of other lives. Sometimes, we see many people, having the same memories of the same past life. How, can this be? This is so because, we are one. We add to the collective through our experiences, we have in each form. So, when you remember you are Jesus or, some other prophet, or God, “You” and everyone else in this universe, Is also that Deity. That Being, was us, in another form. Even when we remember the not so pleasant lives, We all, can have memories, or visions, of that same experience. We are pulling memories, from the collective consciousness, or “Christ Consciousness”. We remember these lives, because it was truly all of us, “God” in that experience. But, these past lives are not who we truly are. What they tell us, is that, we are all a reflection of each other. A reflection of the all, a reflection of “God”. We are all, the same Divine energy, experiencing all things. So Yes, we all are, the Divine Mother and Divine Father, “The Whole”, “The Source”, “the Almighty God”. No single person, can claim this divine energy, for themselves. It is all of us. Claiming you are the only is, Spiritual Ego or “self righteousness”. This is separating yourself, from The whole of the all. Many Gurus or Teachers out there, Do not wish you to know this. They wish you to Worship or Follow them, as being a divine prophet of God. Causing People to continue to Look outside of themselves for God. Literally Stopping or Blocking the ascension of others. Keeping their Followers in a controlled environment. Sucking their energy, for Money or for Self gratification. These beings who choose this way of being, will find themselves, constantly cycling through followers, because eventually everyone wakes up. It will become a never ending spiral to try and keep feeding on others. Once you awaken from this type of barrier of your ascension, you can then open your wings to total freedom to know you too are the God, you are looking for. This is true enlightenment, And Christ Consciousness.

As the collective Consciousness of the whole, rises into awareness of One self, We can see each others visions and tap into to any experience we wish. The Memory, is no longer a memory, but a parallel dimension. We have and still can experience everything that has been experienced throughout all time. We are multidimensional expressions of the “One” God, we are All, that is.

We Love All,

Goddess Heart

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