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Allow your inner Butterfly to Emerge

Love to the one,

As we fire up to pass through this coming Lion's Gate 8-8-8, we are stepping into the unknown. These energies throughout the next 2 months are going to be very intense. Portals, Cosmic alignments, extreme cosmic activity. And not to mention, the last of the 4 Blood Moons, will prove to be a very energetic mixture. As prophesied, this is the moment of Change. In our last few posts we have discussed the importance of letting go, of the fear of change. Change is eminent. Change is something we must accept.

This transformation into the new, can be a physical change or emotional one. For some this will be both. Physical change can involve, anything that is in our personal worlds. Such as, our homes, relationships, or jobs. An emotional Change is the “Death of the Ego”. This emotional shift, will effect the physical world around you as well. Some will try and hold on to old ways. Those who do, will find it hard to manage within these higher frequencies. The Universe is closing the door, to the old way of being. We must now open the door to the new, and walk through with Courage, and Faith in knowing, we are stepping into our excellence.

Ego Death is something many are afraid of. They fear losing their personalities, and becoming “Hollow”. The “Ego” is not who we are. It actually Blocks, who we are. Stopping the Truth of who we are, which is Unconditional Love. The Ego is any Judgment we have toward anything or anyone in our lives. Judgment separates us, from being in the oneness energies. Judgment, causes wars and disharmony. Releasing all Judgment, opens you up to see the life paths of others, as their own. We accept their paths and understand that they need to experience whatever their god-self wishes to experience. This is not something for us to Judge. Being in service to Love, we encourage their Life path. Allowing them to BE. To BE their Unique Expression, of God.

So, as we step through this magical Gate to the unknown, We must allow ourselves to transform with ease. Allowing the inner Butterfly to emerge, from it's cocoon. Allowing ourselves to morph into our true expressions of God.

We Love ALL,

Goddess Heart

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