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Once you are aware of the stones on your path, It's easier to step on them.

Love to the One,

As we embody the One consciousness, We know the importance of our intentions. Through the opening of the gateway, we Focus our intentions on the betterment for the whole. Through our intentions, We bring awareness and transparency, to all untruths. Wiping all slates clean. Loving All, and beginning anew, In total forgiveness, and Gratitude for the lessons learned. Understanding the lessons as being a spiritual awakening to the awareness of Ego-self. Once you are aware of the stones on your path, It's easier to step on them. But we must first be able to see our path.

As Light intensifies, the shadows become more in focus, they become darker. When we chose to receive the Light within our form, We chose to experience, these lessons of ascension. As the light shines on the Ego-self, we can see it more clearly. Allowing the stones to become a beautiful and sturdy place, to set our feet in the moment. Transforming it into a useful and Loving experience. Using the experiences we have created for ourselves, as steps, on this divine path. To be Truth and Love in all moments. Stepping on the ego-self, and not allowing it to become a boulder on your path of ascension. As we continue, on our path we don't look back, Knowing we have made it this far. We can see the Rewards, effecting everything, all around us. This is the Final stretch, we are stepping fully into the Light. Allowing our total form to be emerged with the divine. We move forward with Pureness of heart, in total service to Truth and Love. Knowing the Universe provides our every need. Stepping into the God-Self, Rejoicing in Our Oneness and Relaxing in this wonderful transformation.

We Love All,

Goddess Heart

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