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When you see All things as God, You then, Understand the whole of the One.

Love to the One,

When you see All things as God, You then, Understand the whole of the One. You begin to understand that everything is consciousness, The trees, the plants, the animals, our earth, our universe, is all one living organism that functions, in perfect harmony. When we separate ourselves from the whole of everything, we become stuck in the illusion that we are not a part of this cycle of Life.

The Life giving Light, Is in everyone and everything. As our consciousness expands to the knowing of the All, we began to see, our part within the whole. We become more aware of Source energy everywhere within us and without. We can no longer look at our neighbor and be separate. We see them as God in form in another expression. We can no longer see the plants and the animals as insignificant. We see them as our brothers and sisters, working in perfect harmony with the Whole of God.

As Humanity awakens, the collective consciousness will begin to serve the One. Serving God in all forms, Plant, Animal, Humanity, our earth and this universe. Becoming aware of the harm that was caused to this planet and all it's beings. Setting the intention of a future, where all can live in perfect harmony. To Create the Heaven on Earth, we so desire. Each knowing the connection to the all. Those of the knowing will rejoice in the true harmony of it all, While those in Doubt and feeling of Unworthiness, will be lost in the illusion of separation. Not knowing their truth, they grasp at a God outside of themselves. Not knowing their God is, Right inside of them, waiting to be seen. Waiting to be Loved and waiting to bring us into the knowing of who we are.

This whole earth is evolving, taking all of us with her. We are stepping up in frequency, Being hit with more light then this Humanity has ever seen. We can choose to stay ignorant of the illusions, or we can choose to be in perfect harmony with our mother and this universe. It's up to you. There is no wrong direction, just a longer path. All will know truth in their own time.

We rejoice is Oneness with all things,

We are Love,

Goddess Heart

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