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When we desire the highest light for All, we are serving the whole of the One.

Love to the One,

As we ride these waves of change, we allow the transformation of our desires, to take form. When we desire the highest light for All, we are serving the whole of the One. Being in total service to Source/God, steps away from the “Self”, and sees the Joy, in the service to “Other Selves”. When we serve the whole of the One source, we serve the all, including Your “Self”. What this truly means is, to really want, whats best for “All”, This Humanity, this earth, and this universe. What we wish to share, with the collective, is our service to Humanity. Through our creativeness, We share Love, through our Art, writings, and Music. We spread the Truth, through the internet, and Daily conversations with people, in our lives. Through our meditations, we focus our energies, for the betterment of the all. We are helping wake up Humanity, with our Energies, Creations, and the desire for All, to know truth. We heal our Mother through our Thoughts actions and words. Using the tools given, to better all that is this earth.This is true service, to the All. We through this desire to be in total service to the One, brings forth the miracles, of this ascension. Through our desires, we are creating our world.

As the Light/Love intensifies, we see this service to All, reflect in our lives. Service to the old programming, “The Self”, no longer works. Energies are not the same now as they were, just a few years ago. This planet is now receiving full light from Source. We are no longer in the field of space, that excepted, the Lower vibrations of the Ego-Self. As many have come aware, when focusing on the self, to get anything in this life, It's Just not happening now. This is why many of the prophesy’s, that the rulers of this earth, Have been counting on, Hasn't happened. This is why the threat of War, Just stops at a threat. They are in this game for “Self”. Their desire was to enslave, the All that is God, including humanity, this earth, and the universe.

As we focus our intentions on, the betterment of “ALL”. We are sending the desire for all to receive, Love, Abundance, Freedom and Joy in their Lives. We bring the knowing, of the connection to the One, to the collective. We are servants to the Light. We serve in total Unconditional Love for all.

We are Love, We are One.

Goddess Heart.

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