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Once we know True Oneness, we then can “BE” at true “PEACE”

Love to the One,

Humanities collective is raising now to a point, we can feel all intense variations between the higher and lower vibrations, rising to the surface. The fear and doubt, which is Judgment and Unworthiness, can manifests themselves, in unwanted dramas and conflict. While The higher feelings Of Love and gratitude manifest themselves as Beautiful encounters with the divine Light. Bringing forth Peace within our hearts. The Love and gratitude we express for all, puts us at peace, within our soul. There is no more conflict, or dramas within our lives. We are at peace within and without our being. Loving all as being the One.

We understand that each, must find the peace within and without themselves, to move forward in this ascension. They must clear the fear and doubt, that they are alone and unworthy, to be Source in Form. All things in Living Form and Discarnate Form, are Expressions of the One God. This includes “YOU”.

Finding the peace within, steps away from the illusion that you are separate from the All.

Once you find the peace, with your own Light, you then become at peace, with your neighbor. The illusion of Separation disappears and we then see the truth of “The One”, that we Are. There is no more Judgment, dramas or conflict, with our other selves. You see Others Paths, as their own journey. They are another expression of "You", experiencing a different direction. Once we know True Oneness, we then can “BE” at true “PEACE”.

To bring Peace across this earth, we must first be at Peace within ourselves. Changing our thoughts, Words and actions towards “Other selves”, To be only Unconditional Love. Offering all to be free, to experience the truth for themselves. This does not mean we must “Like” the path they follow, but to allow them to create their own way. Allowing them to experience what they wish to, along their spiritual journey. Showing them that they are worthy of The Love, we all are created from, and being an example of truth.

As the collective moves away from all Judgment, and the illusion of separation, we are Becoming truly at “PEACE”, within, and without. Experiencing true harmony in being One.

We are at Peace, in our hearts, and in our Lives.

We are Love and We are One.

Goddess Heart

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