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Allow the Light, to Show you the Way.

Love to the One,

As more light shines through the veils of illusion, the shadows are becoming more clear. The doors to Full disclosure has been swung open and there is nothing stopping the momentum of this Blast of Light. The awakening of Humanity is well underway.

The Light brings with it, Truth and Freedom, and a remembering of our connection to “All”. This Unconditional Love that is surrounding us, is Bringing all things into the Light. No More Lies and deceptions, can deceive us, for we see the true intentions of others, shine through. The shadows, are becoming apparent to All.

Being and staying in truth, in all moments, is very important. Standing in our truth, shows others the way of the Divine Light. Spreading Light, across the shadows, that darken their Paths. We offer a way of truth, and forgiveness of unconsciousness. Offering a way, to become aware, of their own, inner Light, and seeing their true Oneness with Source.

This blast of Love, penetrates every cell, of our being. Transforming us into, Our Highest Light. By relaxing into the flow of the energies, we allow this transformation to engulf our total being. We allow this Higher Vibration, to transform us within and without. Allowing what is within our hearts, to manifest throughout our lives.

The manifestation of our hearts true desires, will show our true intentions. If your desires our service to “Self” above all “Other Selves”, this will come apparent for the others in your life. They will see your true intentions as being based through the Ego. If our true intentions, are for the betterment of “All”, we see that oneness, is being practiced. This unveiling is bringing all things forward for our review.

It's up to you whether you follow an ego-mind or a conscious one. Choosing to stay in the illusion of the ego-mind will, bring forth dramas and conflicts, from your fear and judgment of others. Choosing to be conscious of our thoughts, words and actions, allows us to clear the old ways of thinking. We then can release all judgment and fear of others. Looking at others paths, as their own way. We ourselves do not have to follow that path, with them. We can see that the others are, another divine expression of ourselves, going a different direction. This does not mean that they are in anyway better or worse, than another. What this means is, the path they choose is right for them in this moment, of their spiritual development. Our Free-will is our right to choose. The right to choose to stay ignorant or become aware of what is happening on this earth. The right to choose between being of pure heart or a damaged one. The right to be in judgment or to choose only Love. The right to serve the “Self”, or to serve Oneness.

Our free-will choice is reflected, through our intentions. Through the Light that this earth is now receiving, Intending the betterment for all, brings forth the miracles, of your desires. While the intention to serve only self, will bring forth chaos and disharmony.

The truth of Oneness is now taking front stage. All will know the Truth in their own Divine time. As this light, shines on your path, you can allow it to become a spot light for the darkness in your lives, or you can ignore it and stubble your way through. It's up to you. Allow the Light, to Show you the Way.

We pure of heart and intend the highest light for “All”

We are Love, We are One.

Goddess Heart

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