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It's Time for an attitude adjustment, Just “Be Happy”

Love to the One,

Sailing through these immense energies, We feel Change happening around the corner. A dear Brother, reminded us the other day, to “Be Happy”. These changing moments, reminds us to be happy, no matter where we are at ,on our journey. Finding true Joy in everything you encounter, can be difficult in these moments of the Shift. Sometimes its hard to see the joy in our everyday lives, when we are being tossed, from here to there.. So, keeping in the higher vibrations, is of importance, with these on coming changes.

As this universe throws us more curve balls, we can be at our highest insight. Seeing the curves as they come. Knowing whats is about to hit us, aids us in, preparing for the changes. This helps us have peace, with the new, in our lives. We show no fear, of whats ahead. It becomes a welcomed transformation. We feel the Joy and happiness in our Lives. We trust that Source provides all our needs. Soon Change is accepted, as the normal. We get excited to see whats next. Change, becomes a joyous occasion.

Happiness is a beautiful feeling, that is of divine Importance, and is a gift of the Divine Presence. Joy is contagious. If you see someone smile, You smile back. If you hear laughter, you begin to laugh, not even knowing, the joke. Joy, spreads like wild fire, to whoever it encounters.

Are you Happy? Are you happy with your job, your family, your life. If happiness is lacking in your vocabulary. Maybe its time for Change. For so long, we have thought, we've been held back and denied access to happiness. We have been taught, that Money buys you happiness. In reality, you are your own thoughts. If you are thinking sad thoughts, then you have sad feelings. If you are thinking happy thoughts, then you are Happy. We create this reality, for ourselves. Only you can change your perspective, of your Life. If you think you have lack in your life, then that's what you have. Developing a new perspective, of your reality, changes your reality. So if we change our Attitude, we see things differently then before. This attitude adjustment, is a clearing of the old ways of thinking. We transform our thoughts from the negative lower vibrational emotions, to the higher vibrational feelings, being Love, Gratitude, Joy, and Compassion. When we recognize our thoughts being negative in nature, we shift them to a higher level of thought. We give ourselves an, attitude adjustment. Adjusting our Thoughts to be only of the higher vibrational thinking, We then can see, Happiness in everything we encounter. We then, see the joy, in this precious Life.

It's Time for an attitude adjustment, Just “Be Happy”. Be truly happy with your life. Happiness is gratitude, in Action.

We send a smile and a group hug to all. We Love you and wish you all the happiness you desire.

Goddess Heart

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