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Our True Colors are Shining Through. Are you Proud of your Truth?

Love to the One,

These last few days, has been for us, an amazing ride of extremes, in varying vibrations. To be in the mist of several differing energies, can be intense, for the empathic. We are feeling every emotion and even seem to be picking up on actual thought patterns. An Egotistical mind, is easily seen, for what it is. We feel a pulling in our gut, when the negative, is to much for us to handle. It's very important to stay centered during these encounters.

Our energies are, splitting away, from the lower vibrations. We see the pure heart, shine through, attracting, like minds around them. The Ones still in the lower vibrational mind set, still living in fear, greed and control, are shining their true colors as well. The light has come on, and now everyone will see, All others, true intentions. The veil has been lifted, even in our own lives. This is not just disclosure, of the government happening, this is disclosure of All Truths. So as we see the truth coming out around the world, remember it's coming out, in your back yard too. Our Truth, is becoming transparent, for all to see.

Our truth, is our true colors. We will be seen, for who we are. Is your Truth, pure of heart? What are your true intentions? Is your intentions based on fear, greed, control, or selfishness?, Or is your truth for the Betterment of All? We must ask ourselves these questions. To be pure of heart, we must “BE LOVE”, in every moment of our lives.

Some think that, this is something hard to do. In reality, It's the attitude you have toward the experience you are having. If you are having bad thoughts about someone, then you must expect, that energy, to be returned back to you, in a negative reaction. Thinking only good thoughts about others can be difficult at first, but it takes wanting to be LOVE at all times. You must be dedicated and choose this for your life. When our path crosses a rough road, we must remember to respond with only Love. Only YOU can Change your Mind. Only you have the power over yourself and your Mind. You are the only one who can Change your thoughts from being Negative to Positive.

If your Neighbor knew your thoughts about him, do you think he would still smile and wave, when you pass? Would the ones you call your friends, still be your friends, if they knew, what you were thinking. The transparency of these moments, will bring all our thoughts words and actions, in to question. As our Gifts continue to expand, we are truly the beacons of truth. We shine on all obstructions that hinder our path. This includes individuals with underlying negative agenda's, whether they realize it or not. Any Judgments, Self Righteousness, or Control will be Seen by those around you.

Our True Colors are Shining Through. Are you Proud of your Truth? Are you, “Who”, you say you are? Are your Intentions for the betterment of “All”. Or are you afraid, for others, to see the real you? Be Honest with yourself, Are you truly being the Love, you know you can be? Are your words and actions reflecting your true thoughts. Or are you just pretending?

Our true colors, are shining through, for all to see. Truly become the Love we Talk about, Be Proud to allow your truth to Shine. Be Honored to allow your true Colors to be seen. Choose to be Love in every Moment.

As Our Consciousness expands, we are becoming living truth detectors. When you see a false witness, remember to have forgiveness, For many truly can't see their own truth. Show your truth, by becoming a rainbow of Love. Allow your Colors to show, your real intentions.

We Allow our Colors to Shine. We walk in our truth, in every moment of our Lives. We are the beacon, from which Source, Shines.

We are Love, We are One.

Goddess Heart

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