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The Magic of Nature, Will Show you the Way

Love to the One,

We celebrate the truth of our nature, through service, to all other beings. Our service to this earth, is our service to God. As we experience this transformation, we also see the signs of the universe showing us the way. Through Synchronicity, Nature symbolism, Numerology and many other signs, we are able to see our paths more clearly. Our universe gives us messages in very magical ways. These messages are only heard through our connection with The One Divine, which is All Nature in Form, on this planet and throughout the universe. Our connection with nature brings us the answers, that we need answered. It shows us the next steps of our path. Nature helps us with our journey. We just have to open our eyes and see these events as messages for us. Each day we come across animals numbers and other synchronistic events that are meant for us to see. Nothing is a coincidence.

When a bird flies across your path, do you see it as just a bird or do you see it as a being, that may have a message for you? Each part of nature whether it be animal plant or any of the elements, is of the same consciousness us we are. As we expand our knowing we can experience a more personal connection with this grand Divine.

Most Native cultures express honor and respect for all living and discarnate beings. They know their place within this, the “One”. They understand they are a contributing part to this circle of life. Our essence is Natural in form. Our spirit is of the One Source of all things. We are part of this grand consciousness that is all things.

To see the signs in your life, you must recognize them as a sign. See them as a personal message just for you, from the One Divine, The source of all things. Our natural gifts, instinct and intuition, steps forward and begins to direct our lives. We follow the signs as they are given.

The Hawk, the Wolf and the Eagle have all made their presence known recently in our lives. We take these messages to heart, and they are received with Love. We know our connection and receive the knowledge that these beings offer, in total gratitude.

The Hawk reminds us to look at things from a higher perspective, using the power of our Visions, and focusing on the task at hand. The Hawk is also a message of Spiritual awareness, and rapid spiritual development. And is Very connected to The Higher realms.

The power of the wolf brings forth instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections. Wolf power or spirit animals point to living life powerfully, guided by instincts.

The eagle is the chief over all the winged creatures. Eagle conveys the powers and messages of the spirit; it is man's connection to the divine because it flies higher than any other bird. The eagle brings the message of renewed life because it is associated with the east winds - the direction of spring, dawn and rebirth. The Eagle represents spiritual protection, carries prayers, and brings strength, courage, wisdom, illumination of spirit, healing, creation, and a knowledge of magic. The eagle has an ability to see hidden spiritual truths,

The Eagle symbolizes the holy spirit, which flies, as it were, through the mind (air) from the higher nature (heaven) to the lower nature (earth) and soars aloft to the self (sun).

The signs are everywhere, We must open our heart, and we will see them. We must Be alert to what Nature wants to tell Us. These are our messages from the divine Light. We are Guided By the Divine, through The Nature of all things. The Magic of Nature will show you the way.

We are One with all things. We are Love

Goddess Heart

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